ANGELI'm a very petty fella. For those who don't know, my good friend, my
amigo if you will,
Stephen Mooney has been kicking arse on his variant ANGEL covers for IDW. I was delighted for him, but also very jealous. Now he's drawing issues of the actual book, so imagine how happy for him/jealous of him i am! Having seen some of his great pages i've seen how he's been nailing likenesses, which are very, very hard to do. So i recently thought i'd see if i could do a decent enough job at ANGEL likenesses, just to test myself. Here are the varied results. First, the big man himself...
My very first try. Hmmm. Not bad, but not good enough really.
My second try. Kinda there; getting closer. Still not good enough though...
My third try. THAT'S more like it. Really happy with this one.
My fourth try. Yeah, i really like this one. I like the mood; the demon and soul of a vampire. Definitely the best of the bunch. Took me long enough!