Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Drooooool. This is the Kevin Nowlan piece i managed to get at Birmingham. Oh god, i'm so happy with it, i could mate with it.




Anonymous said...

that is the sex!
how long did it take him?
i wish i was there
oh well,maybe in a few years...

jamie said...

the rest of us are ants,compared to the genius of that man.
i watched him sketching from the sides,he was amazing.

Declan Shalvey said...

This ant agrees. So chuffed with this drawing. I has resigned to the fact that i wouldn't get one, after queing for AGES on the saturday, but at the very end of Sunday, i got it!

By the wat, it was a pleasure to meet ya in Brum Jamie!

Plenty of time for comic conventions Luke, you should be more interested in girls, at your age.

Stephen Mooney said...

Step away from the sketch Dec, back in yer pants.... Dec!

Declan Shalvey said...

Quit it Steve, you're spoiling the mood! I've scented candles and everything.

Stephen Thompson said...

Should've called this post 'Declan comes early'.

Stephen Mooney said...

Goddammit Thompson, I wanted to write that...

Declan Shalvey said...

You guys.

This post was supposed to be about my adoration for an artiast's work but now you Stephens have twisted it into some strange sexual thing.

You bastards.

Sexy bastards.

oopinky said...

i am yet again amazed at how guys can turn every conversation towards sex, truly im in awe:) ha ha

Declan Shalvey said...

And I am amazed at how girls can turn sex into a conversation! Bam! Take that, 'girls'.

You know who you are.

Seriously tho, to get back on topic; i love Kevin Nowlan's work. His new Metamorpho covers are class. It's really unusual to see covers coloured so dark, as he colours them.

jamie said...

if you don't have the 'modern masters' book they did on him recently,there's some excellent colour pieces inside.

Declan Shalvey said...

I have it Jamie. I have it signed now also. I dust it off every now and then and give it another read. It's a treasured possession of mine.

Yeah, when you see the bright, colourul approach that fill the comic stands these days, it shows how different his way of thinking is. I spotted the last Metamorho cover because the dull colours on the cover made the logo really stand out.