Off to Edinburgh today to take some reference for Frankenstein. There's a scene in the story that takes place there, so instead of getting reference off the net, i'd just pop down on the bus and take some photos of my own.
I'll post a finished page during the week, but till then, here's a drawing of the Monster i did last night. Took me about 15 mins.
I'm realy liking the look you've come up with for the monster Dec. I'm actualy reading the novel at the moment and I think you got the look pretty bang on. Have you seen any coloured pages yet? I'm egar to see how they colour your work.
that's it,right there.
great to see ya in Edinburgh....even if my liver regrets it.....
That looks really good Declan
Looking forward to the finished product
Thanks lads!
Rich, the colourist has only started on the book recently, so all i've seen are the 1st four pages, and they look great. It's not really my place to post them here, once some are up on the Classical Comics website, i'll post them here.
I picked up Stephen King's 'The Dark Tower' book yesterday, and it really reminded me of the colours i saw on Frankenstein so far, if that helps give you an idea.
Very nice indeed. Your work continues to evolve.
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