Monday, September 22, 2008


Hey kids, with Frankenstein out in two very short weeks (!) i thought it prudent to post a list of where i'm gonna be in the next couple of months in an effort to promote Frankenstein and some other books that are out or coming out over the next couple of months. They include....

FRANKENSTEIN from Classical Comics

FREAK SHOW from Atomic Diner


I'll be at the following;

October 4th-5th; Birmingham International Comics Show (launch of Frankenstein).
November 1st; Sub City Comics, Dublin (launch of the new Freak Show).
November 8th; Ennis Book Shop, Co. Clare.
November 15th; Though Bubble Festival, Leeds

November 22nd; Dublin City Comic Con (launch of Tim Skinner; Total Scumbag).

That's a busy end of year for the Decster.

I also just noticed a review for this year's Tripwire annual on the Down The Tubes Blog. It quite rightly paises the book and it's editor Joel Meadows for such a great publication. I was personally chuffed when my strip was mentioed specifically... "Declan Shalvey, whose No Witnesses is "silent strip" perfection in terms of storytelling."

Eat THAT Bob Byrne!



Will Sliney said...

Ooooh burn. Nice one Dec

jamie said...

what about your fans this side of town?
come and do a signing in southend on sea.
i dare you.

Declan Shalvey said...

I have fans now?

Anonymous said...

Fans?I can`t throw a rock in Dublin without hitting a Declan Shalvey fan!

Declan Shalvey said...

That was ME you hit Luke. Frickin' hurt too.

Anonymous said...

And I`ll do it again!
Seriously though,that review was spot-on,that strip was one of the best short comic stories I`ve read in a long time.

Declan Shalvey said...

Ah thanks a lot Luke, that's awful nice o' ya to say. Really glad you liked it!


Anonymous said...

What, and you're not coming up here to see us in Aberdeen soon? Shocking Dec, shocking.

Still gonna buy Frankenstein though. It'd be good to see what I remember of the art that you were doing in the shop and how it comes out in it's finished form.


Anonymous said...

oh-oh! a rising star!!


by the way ,please, don't be modest you have fans even in italy, so...

David Ferguson said...

Looking forward to Freakshow,. Rob showed me a copy of the next issue. It looks great. I really like the touch of red here and there.

Declan Shalvey said...

Thanks a lot David, i was actually in the shop earlier and was surprised to see it was all printed! Yeah, it came out quite nice i must say, i'm glad the red printed well. Was a little worried about that.

Greg, i WILL do an Aberdeen signing, but i don't think it'll be before January, realistically.

Rich said...

All the best with your upcoming books Dec.
From what I've seen of them they are going to go down really well.

Stephen Mooney said...

Great stuff Decland! Can't wait to see Franky, and your Freakshow cover is waaaaay better than mine...