Thursday, October 16, 2008


Sleeves are well rolled up and getting my hands dirty with Sweeney Todd now. Here's the layout i did for the very first page. One down, 139 to go.....

Also, the first review of Frankenstein is up at They've reviewed all the new Classical Comics titles and says some very nice things about all of them, Frankenstein included.



Kevin Mc Namara said...

looking nice dude!

Rich said...

Just got my copy of Frankenstien, looks great Dec. The colours actualy work really well with your line work.

Congrats on that and on Sweeney todd.

Declan Shalvey said...

Ah thanks Rich!

Where'd you get it? I didn't know it was in the shops yet.


Anonymous said...

"Declan has done an excellent job on what most young artists,even with a great script,might baulk at. I can see him rising to the top of the comic book artist pile if he continues this way!" and then you get an exellent!!
i still havent read it but i agee with that man! you must be proud of youself...uhmmm i'm sure you are!!
first sweeney todd page looks great good luck for the others!!
with regards

Rich said...

A mate picked me up a copy at the Birmingham Con, no idear if it's in the shops yet.

Anonymous said...

I love the work on the tiles and the like.Really great energetic style.Am I right in thinking you inked it with the wacom?

Declan Shalvey said...

Cheers Erika!

Hey Rich,
Oh right, i see. I don't think it's in the shops for another couple o' weeks, that's why i was scrathin' my head as to how you got a copy.

Hey Luke,
No i'm afraid that's all old fashioned pencil on paper sir, i just darkened all the lines so i could lightbox it easily. Sorry to disappoint.
