Thursday, October 30, 2008


I've been inking Sweeney Todd all week with nothing scanned, so i thought i'd post an image from Tim Skinner that i've shown elsewhere. Writer Andy Winter has been steadily sending me the lettered pages and while i'm pretty happy with the art, the full impact doesn't hit without the letters. Andy's written some great jokes for this book. Can't wait for it to be out. I have to finish 3 pages next week in order for the book to be out in time for the Dublin City Comic Con in a few weeks.

Update: Should mention i'm doing a signing this Saturday in Sub-City comic shop on Exchequer Street in Dublin. I'll be there from 12 onwards. See ya there.... maybe.



Kevin Mc Namara said...

hey nice page cool panelling!

Anonymous said...

Lovely soft colouring.
what time is your signing tomorrow so I can go with my mates and spit on you?

Declan Shalvey said...

Good question Luke, i'll be there from 12. Updated the blog and put that info in.
I'll have to set up a spitguard.

Anonymous said...

hi Declan,
that's a really cool panel!!
i have to say that flat, soft colours really suit your inking way...looks great!
i vote for a Bender pic too!!
best wishes for your work

Anonymous said...

Looks like The Boys.

Declan Shalvey said...

thats kinda the point. Hence the name 'The Chaps'.
