Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Did these sketches last night.



Salvo said...

Nice scratchy shadows on this guy Declan. Kewel.

Stephen Mooney said...

Really nice, you excel at all the horror-themed stuff. What these for?

Declan Shalvey said...

Thanks Salvo!

Yeah, it's mad that; i'm not really a horror fan, but i do a good job at drawing horror-esque stuff. A cousin of mine wants a tattoo along these lines, so asked me to do some sketches for him.


Anonymous said...

am I right in thinking you didn`t use drybrush on this baby or are my eyes decieving me?

Declan Shalvey said...

Well spotted Lukester. Well, it wasn't really called for; it's gonna be a tattoo so going mad with the auld dry-brush wouldn't be practical.

That, and i'm trying to cut back on the dry-brush a bit and use different tools for different effects. Felt like the heavy-dry-brush was becoming a crutch. Not that i'm gonna stop stop using that technique, just trying to use others too.


Stephen Mooney said...

You could use an ACTUAL crutch