Saturday, January 03, 2009


Been watching a lot of post-Christmas DVDs in the last few days and started to feel guilty, so i thought i'd use them as an excuse to draw something. I'm a big fan of the TV series The Wire. This is one of my favourite characters, Omar Little. Loved this moment from one episode, so i just thought i'd do a drawing of it. I've long wanted to do a proper piece for this series, along with Six Feet Under, but haven't found the time. Small pieces like this and the Angel drawings i did before may be the answer. I may do more of these.



nicedaydesigns said...

You are not the only one who has been addicted. I just finished watching season 1 tonight. It's so fantastic, can't wait to dive into season 2, but I promised John I'd wait till he got home from work.

Anonymous said...

Good God,the post-Christmas DVD splurge...I set out this morning to get some drawing done and then BAM!I`m sitting in my undies watching my Spaced and Peep Show boxsets until half eight in the evening.
God help us all.

Stephen Mooney said...

But what about that gaping void left in your heart when you finish the last episode of any given series you love and come to the horrifying conclusion that WHAT THEN?!!

More Sunny in Philadelphia please Dec. Like, now.

Declan Shalvey said...

I envy you Ruth: you get to watch it all as one whole series; i kinda watched it in bits. Flawless though. An incredible piece of film-making.

Looks like Luke did on the presents front!

No Philly for you Mooney. Not for another year at least..... in the meantime i prescribe season one of 30 Rock to cure what ails ya.

g gfdg said...

Always Sunny is back in September.. Long way off.

Nice Omar there, hope you do end up doing more Wire pieces.

Declan Shalvey said...

Me too, but i hope i do better ones.


Anonymous said...

god I love the Wire, I don't want to watch the last season cus then its all over! Did you see Omars quick cameo in the recent Hulk flick?

Declan Shalvey said...

Yeah, i did! I was In the cinema with a mate who watches the Wire too and we both went "What the hell? Was that Omar!?!?"

Final series of the Wire is amazing. Watch it. I'm actually reading David Simon's Homicide book at the moment. It's really fascinating.

Lee Townsend said...

Nice sketch, great work! I haven't seen the Wire but it looks great from the bits and pieces I have seen.
I am looking forward to seeing any sketches you do from 6 Feet Under!
as it was the best US TV drama ever made! in my opinion of course!

Declan Shalvey said...

Hey Lee, you must check out The Wire. It is the best US tv drama without a doubt, but Six Feet Under will always be my actual favourite. What a show.