Just getting ready for this year's British International Comics Show (BICS) in Brimingham. Off to Brum tomorrow. I'll be at the Eclectic Micks table with PJ Holden, Stephen Mooney and Will Sliney. I'll have original art from 28 Days Later, copies of #1 and the above Eclectic Micks sketchbook (which looks lov-er-ly as you can see above) all for sale. I'll most likely be at the Classical Comic table at some stage too.
Really looking forward to the con. I always have a blast at Brum.
PS. I think i'll be charging (a little) for sketches this year, but if ye buy any of the above, i'll do one for free.
Ill support the cause man, when ever there avaible in ireland ill pick one up!
don't listen to that pj!
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