Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Here's a Black Widow sketch i did at the Albany comic con on Sunday. Thanks a million to Andrew Hanna for sending on this scan of it.



Fran Johnston said...

Thats class Dec. Hope you're getting on well over there.

Stephen Mooney said...

Excellent piece Dec. I'm still amazed at how much work you put into your con sketches.

Anonymous said...

Incredible detail for a con sketch - you really do put a lot of effort into them as Moondog said.

Do you charge for 'em at cons? I know some do/some don't. Also, what cons are you going to this year?

finnegandraws said...

BPRD here you come (1957?)
This is great Dec

Declan Shalvey said...

Thanks guys!

I was charging at this con, which is why there's so much work gone into this sketch.