Saturday, February 09, 2008


A young man was sound enough to send me on the Green Lantern sketch i did at Hi-Ex. The one that ended with me spilling ink on myself. Nice.

Glad to get a scan of this. I originally started this sketch the usual way; head/figure in the middle, etc, but it wasn't working. Instead, i decided to be more bold with the composition, and move the figure right into the corner, and use a solid black to emphasize the vertical energy beam.

Quite happy with this one.



jamie said...

excellent,and the inking is amazing,too...
again,looking at this piece of art and the recent art on green lantern...
no comparism.

Stephen Mooney said...

Well while I do really like this piece, I gotta say I think Ivan Reis on Green Lantern is probably my favourite stuff ANYWHERE at the moment. He's unbelievable.

jamie said...


David Ferguson said...

Reis is a good artist.

Dec could do GL Corps. Probably a lot more fun to do because you're not necessarily drawing the same characters every issue.

Declan Shalvey said...

Ah lads, i appreciate the compliment, but Green Lantern is the best drawn book DC are bringing out. It's phenomenal thanks to Mr. Reis.

This is just a decent Green Lantern sketch.

True, GL corps would be fun to draw!

Alan (with one L) said...

one heck of sketch - very nice indeed.

Anonymous said...

That`s really great!
how long did it take you?

Unknown said...

Hey Dec!
Very nice! This composition will grow with you.
A decent Green Lantern sketch?? PLEASE! This is ART!

jamie said...

i just checked out some of ivan reis work over on comic art community,and he is very good indeed.
i love his version of batman.

Declan Shalvey said...

Thanks guys!

Jamie; i told ya!

Luke, i honestly couldn't tell how long it took, as i didn't time myself, but best guess is between 5 and 10 minutes.