Coming to the end of Frankenstein now, so reckoned it was about time to get the finished cover done. The folks at Classical Comics really liked a pose i had used from a test page i did before i was actually hired for the project, and have used it for promotional purposes to date. I really wanted to do a new cover, as i think my drawing is at a better level now. Also, the monster drawn wasn't the finalized design so it was decided i should do a new cover, making it a reworking of the image they liked so much.
berni who?
a fantastic image to cap off what i'm sure will have been a fantastic run of artwork...
Sweet! Realy looking forward to seeing the finished book.
I'll send you some pages of Hamlet at the end of the week to see what you think and get some feed back.
Great pic, love the hideously bloated and stitched torso. The shape in white behind him kind of looks like a nuclear mushroom cloud. Frankenstein, Atomic monster attaaaackkkk!
Really looking forward to getting hold of the finished book, Dec. Judging by the sample pages and images you've posted here, it's going to look amazing...
Very strong stuff Deckard. Excellent lighting throughout, with great, non-cheesy emotion playing accross the whole image. Definitely an improvement on the original, especially inks-wise. Can't wait to see the finished book!
looks really good - do you have a date of publication yet?
Ah, thanks a lot guys, much appreciated. I'm glad the general consensus is a positive one. The last cover i did over my own work was Hero Killers, and that's a long time ago. Covers represent the body of work, and with a body of 123 pages, i really wanted this image to look good.
Rich, yeah send those pages on, i'd love a peek.
Thompson; yer dead right. Dammit, i wish i'd spotted that in the pencils, so i could have made it look MORE like an A-bomb blast.
Cheers Andy, hopefully it'll live up to expectations.
Thanks Moondog; you're telling me exactly what i was hoping to hear!
Alan, there's no actual date as yet. It's roughly scheduled for Sept/Oct. Prob won't have a better idea till closer to those months.
Thanks again all!
Wahey! Lookin' good!
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