Tuesday, June 24, 2008


This is artwork for a badge that Andy Winter is making to promote Septic Isle's appearance in Previews. Andy wanted to use the cover art, but from the way i composed the cover, the face of the main character, Jacob Marley, wouldn't be seen properly on a badge (also, the top of his head didn't exist!) so i made this up with the original art, drawing in the top of his head in Photoshop with (gasp!) a wacom tablet. Turned out okay actually. Since it's only going to be a small image, i thought it best to keep the colours simple and graphic.



g gfdg said...

That is really sweet, is it one of those wee small badges or fun size birthday card ones?

Declan Shalvey said...

Just a 'wee' one i think.

Heh heh .....'wee'.


Anonymous said...

when did you get a wacom?
(which is funny,cos I use a wacom,as well...)
but which kind is it?a cintiq?

jamie said...

nice art.

Declan Shalvey said...

Thanks lads,

Naw Luke, it was just a run of the mill wacom tablet, no fancy Cintiqs up in this house. I've had it ages, but never really use it. It's handy to have, in cases like these tho.


Declan Shalvey said...

Thanks lads,

Naw Luke, it was just a run of the mill wacom tablet, no fancy Cintiqs up in this house. I've had it ages, but never really use it. It's handy to have, in cases like these tho.


Anonymous said...

yeah I just have a little Bamboo yoke.still,gets the job done.Especially when it`s just a "touch-up" in photoshop or whatever.lovely stuff there by the way

Kevin Mc Namara said...

Nice job, the 4 colour combo is sweet! can never go wrong with black and red! im teaching myself photoshop at the mo, its hard though, im up all nite working with it hence why im posting now at this time! i have my latest efforts posted up!

Stephen Mooney said...

Looks great. Badge me up.