Monday, June 16, 2008


Hey kids.

Seems there was some dodgy voting doing on with the War Heroes competition. Well, i guess that makes me feel a little better about getting 3% of the vote in my heat!

"Thanks to some observant readers and voters, it was brought to our attention at Wizard Universe that our polling system had a serious flaw that allowed people to vote multiple times for their choices in the War Heroes Cover Contest.

In the interests of fairness, we have eliminated this problem and will restart the voting."

So, if you don't mind me asking, could ye all revote .....please? Feel like a jerk for asking....





Anonymous said...

voted for you there...again.
seriously though when I voted i saw you already had 25 votes(13%)!
lookin good,Mr.S!
And sound stuff on posting the sketch

Will Sliney said...

Already done sham

jamie said...


Stephen Mooney said...

I'm all over it. I'll vote as many times as they let me!

Declan Shalvey said...

Ah thanks lads.

Sniff ..... i love you guys ....sniff....

Anonymous said...

Voted again!

Anonymous said...

Voted again!