Hi; fancy seeing you here.
Along with the 28 Days Later book, i've also done a couple of covers for Boom Studio's new POE mini-series. Here's the black and white artwork for Issue One. The coloured cover and more on the book can be seen here. I saw some pages when asked to do the cover, and i have to say, i really liked the interior artist's work. Dean Kotz is his name, you can see some of his work here.
I really tried to make this cover stand out, so i went very design-y with the composition. Tried to add a lot of texture to compensate for the bold black and white areas too. Really like how it came out.
When I saw your pic I thought cool,but why would someone ruin it with colour, but wow the final version looks fantastic! Did you colour it or was it someone else?
Thanks Ruth!
It was someone else who coloured it... i don't actually know who. I'm not mad about it to be honest. It looks JUST like the Frankenstein, and it being the first work of mine coloured by someone else since Frankie, i was hoping it would look different.
Great cover Dec and a strong composition as always. I really like the colours, but I can see why you don't.
Hi, I remember you saying you were a bit worried about having your work coloured by other folk. It must be pretty weird.
Perhaps your work lends itself to a particular palette. I'll have a go and see how it looks. If it looks crap though I'll blame somebody else. Sounds like a competition to me :)
Thanks Lisa. Yeah, the colours are 'showy', but not what i had in mind. It's certainlt well-done, but i just think it works against the linework.
Michael; knock yerself out.... i probably won't like it though!
I'll have a go. Just for fun as it were. I helps me avoid the heaps of my own work I'm supposed to be doing.
****in' fantastic work man!
Thanks man! Still; i bow to your superior abiltiy...
Hi Declan, I had a play about with your lovely artwork last night and did some colouring.
I think it looks like a goth did it, there's also an influence from Uncle Spunknugget by the looks of things.
As an exercise though it did teach me not to play with other people's stuff. http://ive-seen.blogspot.com/2009/05/colouring-in-stuff.html
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