Hi All. Sorry i haven't posted in a while; i was in Derry the bones of a week and had to wrap up issue 1 of 28 Days Later once i got back. Can't be missin' those deadlines you know. Plus, i'm trying to do a write-up on the Derry weekend but need to gather more photos, so in the meantime, here's a Batman sketch i did in Derry that someone was kind enough to send a photo of to me.
I'm off for the weekend, but normal services should resume on Monday.
That's a brilliant picture dude! I met you a few years back at a signing for Freak Show in Galway and I still have the picture you did for me of Spiderman! I know this sounds a bit weird but I don't know where else to get in touch with you, I play in a band called The Experts (based in Leitrim) and was interested in seeing if you'd do some artwork for us. Nothing too complicated really, just some basic stuff. So if you free at all drop us a line at theexpertsmusic@hotmail.com We've even written a song about Batman! Keep up the good work!
very nice dec. almost ashley wood-ish. only thing I'll say is maybe you should have named the post "bat" to work! arf arf.
Nice one Fran. I really should have. tempted to delete your comment and steal your joke.
Hi Lewis; my email is on the main blog page. Gimme a shout on that, or i'll most likely to forget to get back to ya.
Really, really like this.
Ah, you did that for Scott Ferguson I think. It's really nice.
Nice. Fancy doing a quick sketch for my fat girl on the luas story? Are you still in Dublin? I might get to that yoke in the International next Monday.
Now that's a cracking batmannie.
Really looking forward to 28 Days Later. I'll have to tell Mike to set them aside for me.
This one is a little different than your usual style. Reminds me of J.G. Jones where the mask covers the nose.
Your Batman always turns out well. You must like drawing him.
Lovely lovely image here. I'm digging your batman too
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