Just framed the Rocketeer piece i did for the Eclectic Micks blog today. It's been accepted for an exhibition next month. Considired yourself invited. Yes, i mean you. And that guy beside you. Not the other guy though. He's weird. More about the exhibition here.

Bitchin' drawring.
I think it's the best one of your ecclectic sketches. Looks like a cover to an issue one.
Yeah, it's kind of depressing to know the best Micks sketch i did was drawn about 3 months ago.
Wasn't it like the first one you did in you ink-washey style? Looks like you climaxed a bit prematurely there Dec.
That said, I loved that Iron Fist one a ways back.
How'd your date with Lorna go last night?
ohhhhhhhhhh Dec had a date did he?
Also,I bet you feel a wee bit weird
about that jacko sketch,eh?
YOU killed him!
"Haven't checked to see how accurate is is since, but i think it's fairly close."
Well it will be in about three weeks,amirite?
I`ll leave now...
No, Declan did not have a 'date.'
Dick-Move Mooney.
Also; Dick-Move Luke.
I think I like it best because, as Stephen said, it was the first grey wash. Liked the Iron Fist too.
If you do Calculon, well we could have competition.
Congrats on getting it into the exhibition, I really love this sketch.
Nice one, will take a gander at the exhibition during the week! Love yer pic - really well executed, beautiful lines.
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