Friday, May 01, 2009


Anyone see these cool covers for Boom Studio's 28 Days Later comic.....?

Cover B by Sean Phillips (above).
Cover A by Tim Bradstreet (below)

Yeah, well i'm drawing the actual comic. More here.

This means i'll be taking a break from Sweeney Todd and most likely not posting every second day anymore; 1) because i'll be busier and 2) because i doubt i can show snippets from this book like i've been able to do with Todd. I'll try to post as much as i can though.



Will Sliney said...

Wohoo! Gonna be class

Stephen Mooney said...

This book will be fantastic. Cannot think of a better marriage between subject and style.
Do-it to-it Deckard.

Unknown said...

I've been dying to tell people about this, so I'm pleased it's now been properly announced. Really, really happy for you, Dec!

g gfdg said...

Well deserved Dec, can't wait to read it.

Leigh G said...

Wow, you kept that quiet. Well done Dec.

Judy said...

fab, proud of you mister!! :)
Good man!

Alan (with one L) said...

well done Dec - can't wait to see it

jamie said...

i hope they decide to do a crossover with dc where the rage virus infects gotham city,

good work all round.

Mark Kardwell said...

Jolly good show, old bean.

jon haward said...

great news dec really pleased for you, im sure you'll enjoy drawing it.


Anonymous said...

A Dec Shalvey comic(from the USofA,no less) wrapped in a Sean Phillips or Tim Bradsheet cover.

well over time,in my opinion.

Kevin Mc Namara said...

Sweet man lots of reasons to see the old splatter effect! Good job though man seriously thrilled for you! Great movie, one of the better recent Zombie flicks if not the best, huge honour man! Good stuff!

Liam Geraghty said...

Congrats man! That's BEAST! Ever since you showed us the zombies in Tim Skinner I've been itching for you to do a zombie comic! (My 2nd choice would have been the space zombies . . . ) Congrats again. (deserves two!)

Declan Shalvey said...

Thanks everyone.... yeeesh.... i'm blushing over here....

Salvo said...

Wow. Well done, Declan. Really well deserved. To coin an Americanism, you'll knock this one out of the park.

David Ferguson said...

Congradulations. I look forward to picking it up.

finnegandraws said...

Congrats dude, this is only massive. Well done

nicedaydesigns said...

Holy shitballs that's fantastic...I can officially say I knew you when you were lurking about the print class handing out free advice to the pretty girls. Well done man congrats

Wadeboski said...

Great stuff Dec! I'll be buying it for sure!!!