Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Couple of weeks late on this, but better late than never. Flew over to Ireland a day or so before Sub-Con. Thanks again to Stephen Mooney for putting me up and letting me share his studio. Thanks to Stephen Thompson for slipping me a few answers on "Buzz". Mooney, Thompson and myself headed into the con on Saturday morning where we met up with Will Sliney, Bob Byrne and all the other usuals.

Have to say, i had a great day. Me and Will shared a table beside Simon Furman, who was a pleasure to talk to. Met a good few folk who were looking for Freak Show sketches. Will signed a fair few copies of Atomic Rocket Group 66 which by the way, looks just brilliant. From what i saw, Thompson was bangin' out a rake of brilliant sketches. Man, i hate that Thompson fella.

I was part of a panel on 'Irish Comics' along with Steve Mooney, Alan Nolan and Will. I really enjoyed it, it was great to hear questions from the crowd about various aspects of irish comics. All of us on the panel joked with each other a lot, which i hope was entertaining for the audience.

Later that evening, Steve Mooney and his girlfriend Jackie, Stephen Thompson and his girlfriend Lisa and me and my girlfriend Will Sliney went for a lovely dinner and a couple of pints. Razor sharp wit was aplenty, but i provided none of it..

Here be some photos from the day....

Will donning a Green Goblin helmet.

A fan with a sketch i did for him.

Steve Mooney, Will Sliney and part of Jackie's forehead.

The Thompsons. Lisa and ....uh ...Thompson.



Anonymous said...

ah yes a deadly day...
thanks a million for the sketch by the way!

jacintha said...

could you not have cut me out of that pic...i look like someone punched me in the eye...

Declan Shalvey said...

I wanted to include you. I'm leaving out the photo of us all in Waga Mamas cuz when i took the photo i think i just caught you at the wrong moment. Also Bob Byrne looked pretty ugly too.

jacintha said...

you're a star...hmmm

Stephen Thompson said...

I look like I'm underwater in that picture.