Dublin City Comic Con 06Yes indeed, back from the convention in Dublin last weekend. Had a great time. Met a lot of faces both old and new and got a great reception all round, so if you bought a copy of Hero Killers, thanks a lot, and i hope you're happy with your sketch. Even got asked to do an interview (see below). Yes, i know it's a Fisher-Price tape recorder, but i was assured the interview was valid.

I have ONE photo of the convention and i'm upstaged by a kid's toy. Typical.
Big thanks to John Hendrick at
The 3rd Place and everyone involved with the convention. Great show. Really lookin forward to next year.
I met up with Ian Whelan and Alan Nolan, creators of
Sancho: Twisted tales of horror www.20000-leagues.com at the con, gave them a Sancho pin-up, just wanted to contribute something to an Irish-made book. They liked it so much, they want to use it as their next cover, which of course, i was very flattered by. Here's the pencils and inks. Since the guys want it as a cover, i'll have to colour it.

You can see i kept the pencils quite loose, just laid down the figure, where i wanted my blacks and whatnot. Even the rendering on the wastcoat is pretty loose, usually i have a very clear pencil line that shows where the black ends, but not this time. Wanted to keep it loose, so i could play around with the inks a bit.

.....and the inks. Here i rendered the waistcoat, the nearer zombie and added detail to the headstone in the foreground. I also decided to leave out some of the branches i'd pencilled in, decided it was getting too busy up there, and i was going for a simple-looking image, nothing too fancy.
Well that's it. Really happy with it, especially as the Sancho lads seem to really like it. I'll put up the colours once they're done