Greetings all. Off to New York in the morning so i thought i'd post something decent to keep ye going for the week or so i'm gone. It's a test page for something that never went ahead, but i was pretty happy with thew actual page; got a chance to go all messy with it.
Hope ye like. Catch ye later.
Have a great time!! I'm mad jealous. When are you back? I'll be in Dublin soon enough, so I can give you more than 3 minutes notice that I'm around
Have a great time and check out one of those American diners. They're my favourite thing about the US.
for the love of god,stay away from those american diners,or you'll end up with a big fat tummy like mine.
and nice artwork.
it's insane how you're not drawing a batman title.
Nice work bud
Have a good time man.
Hope you had a good time in New York! great page by the way!
Let us know how your'e work went down in the Big Apple...
Thanks guys, and thanks for the post Jimc!
I did go to a couple of diners in fact. I love 'em; they're great. "Pancakes AND Sausage TOGETHER? That's CRAZY!"
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