I recently finished a 3 page short story as part of an anthology comic to raise money for Japan relief efforts. This is the second page of the story, with great colours by
Jordie. I don't know when it will be published, but it's a project organised by Comic Book Alliance. It was written by Rob Williams and lettered by Brandon DeStefano. When I hear more details, i'll let ye know.
Nice work Jorclan. I will buy the heck out of this.
Jorclan; i like it. It's like Jalissa, but better.
Glad you like it man. Was interesting to actually have input on the pages as Jordie was working on them.
This setting really compliments your art style. Looks amazing!
Hi Declan, thanks for doing this amazing strip! We're aiming for a pub date of approximately end of May, but you'll hear about it shortly as we are going to blanket the media with it!
Tim Pilcher
Lovely stuff altogether. all three pages of art and colours are fantastic.
Great page, looking forward to seeing the other two!
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