This had been on the backburner for a while but slowly making progress. The aim is to have an issue out for the Bristol con in May, but it's gonna take a lot of work on my part.
Your Round is an anthology series set in a pub. Any pub. Everybody has a pub story, Your Round is where creators can tell one. The first issue, 'Tequila,' has 3 stories. One by Mike Collins (artist on Doctor Who, Superman, Star Trek, etc.), another by Bob Byrne (of Mbleh, The Shiznit and 2000AD fame) and one more by myself.
Will have lots more news on this soon, along with some pages, but here's a little taste for now....

Hey Declan,
Nice to have met you over the weekend at Conpulsion!
Hey Jon,
You too man, give us an e-mail so i can e-mail you back. Maybe organise a meet sometime. All the best, especiallt over the next 4 or 5 months(!)
Will do and thanks!
So you're doing the writing and the art, Dec? That's pretty great, man. I've always thought your unique visual ideas would translate well to writing. Looking forward to more news on this project.
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