There's a new competition launched on the IDW boards for a chance to do the cover to a Transformers comic. LOADS of people have entered and sure, thought i'd give it a go meself, as did my pal and yours Will Sliney. Here's mine......

Just go to the idw boards and register/log in and vote for me by going here and clicking on my name, #2008, and/or here for Mr. Sliney.
You sure you just click on the name next to #2008? Wouldn't work for me! Cool cover though, is that the protectobots?
Should work if you're signed in.
There's a box at the top with little circles beside each name. Click on mine please. Or don't, i don't really care anymore....
Still though, do it.
Oh, and no, they're not the protectobots. They're Siren, Whirl and Viewfinder, who i'd never heard of before.
A, mustn't have been signed in, off I go!
Just voted for you and Will – good luck to you both.
Thanks guys! Think i'm in 4th place at the moment. Need all the help i can get
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