The end of the month sees the publication of a new 'coffee-table' book by Dez Skinn (author of Comix: The Underground Revolution, ex-editor of Comics International and Warrior) published by Ilex Press. Called Comic Art Now it aims to serve as a directory of some of the best of today's comic artists.
From Dez: "..It gives our industry something it’s long needed… an equivalent to The Creative Handbook, The Art Directory, etc and gives creators a general audience exposure and puts their names/email addresses in the hands of account execs and the like who invariably steal their styles because they don’t know how to find them. Uniquely, unlike the existing directories which charge for inclusion, this book’s selection for inclusion is based on the quality of the art rather than the artist’s bank balance.”
With an introduction my Mark Millar, it features the work of Alex Ross, Lew Stringer, Mike Ploog, John M. Burns, John McCrea. Oh yes ....and myself. It features a never before published Frankenstein page i did, that won't actually appear in the final book.
Really looking forward to seeing this book come out. I'm a sucker for 'artists books' so i'll get a great thrill from getting a book of that sort that i'm actually featured in, especially considering the amount of esteemed talent also in the book.
Published by Ilex Press (UK) and HarperCollins (US) the 10.5" hardback should be on sale on the 27th of March.
Hope ye all get a copy.
Sounds gravy, I'll definitely be ordering a copy. Well done gettin yerself in there man.
the day before my birthday,
Congrats Dec.
Thanks guys, appreciate it.
that`s really cool.who knows,might get you a bit of attention from some big companies.
fair play!
'Might' being the operative word there.
Cheers Luke!
Blast from the past, it's that sci fi girl from Comicon San Diego. Yes, i still occassionally blog stalk you and i see you are coming to New York Comicon. We should meet up. i'd love to see how you are doing and if you ask nicely, i can be your tour guide. email me tobygreenfield@hotmail.com
Well done man!!! That's deadly
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