Anyone who i've been in contact with over e-mail over the last few years got a wierd e-mail form me last night. 'Apparently', i was stranded in Nigeria (of all places) and really needed people in my contact list to send me money. Now before you all say "Typical Declan; always begging off me over e-mail," it turns out it was not actually me at all! Some godshite got access to my email for about 20 minutes and spammed everyone in my contact list. A lot of friends responded with much humour, which is fine. But i'm pretty miffed that anyone whose address i have but maybe haven't used out of etiquette, got the before-mentioned e-mail, which angers and frustrated me to no end. Not very professional-looking on my part.
Then there were the folk who were concerned, like the honourable Steve Bunche. Check his blog to see his reaction (and to see the Shaft comparison if it's not obvious)
So, if anyone got that mail, rest assured i'm fine and my usual missionary work will continue, despite this recent worry.
Heh, are you saying various high-ranking editors got it? Oh Dec....-shakes head-
Most likely. Out of everyone to get back to me, only one person told me they didn't get it.
I bet those editors at DC and IDW are organising a whip-round for you even as we speak!
That or they''l offer him work. Can't wait to see some random Nigerian guy drawing Batman or Star Trek...
Sounds like one of those stories that editors tell of how they first met a creator. "Yeah, he was stuck in Nigeria so I decided to put him on Black Panther".
Ah man, those comments are funny. But it could be good Dec, think about how many people remembered you, I'm sure there are loads of heads you'd love to contact but you have no reason to. Now you do! You nutty little so and so.
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