Ugh. It's annoying when i'm getting lots done but can't really show anything. Here's another pencilled Sweeney Todd panel in the meantime. I like drawing him in the hat and cape. It's like drawing Batman.
Oh, and check this out; seems this blog has been nominated for an Irish Blog Award?

I didn't even know there was such a thing, never mind how my blog got nominated. It's in the category of 'Best Blog of a Business' . See the list of nominations here.
Haha what the fuck. And why are you in the business section and not the art and culture section?
Hell if i know man. Why am i even in the bloody thing is a better question...
Why are you in the Business section and not the Mentally Disabled Gimp section?
God that was harsh.
True,but harsh.
Agreed. Harsh, but true.
you've all met dec,right?
art and culture are not two things that spring to mind...
but your blog is up there,that's for sure.
well done,
and a belated well done on tim skinner,which i got off andy the other week.
i want a magistrate grudge t-shirt.
I'd love to do a "Gaze into the fist of Grudge" t-shirt with the Magistrate punching Skinner in the face.
Rebellion would probably sue the crap out of us though!
Ah man; that'd be class, but yeah, we'd be skirting the edge of a lawsuit there...
I see you get slagged in your blog as much as I do, good news about the blog award nomination thing . It's a pretty weird list of blogs though.
Sweeny Todd is looking good, you're right about the hat & cape, makes a pretty dramatic image.
Yeah, maybe i should just get rid of the comments box as all i do is get feckin' abuse.
Thanks tho.
I like the fact that young Luke is blossoming into a true member of our circle... full of bile and most of it directed at Dec.
We will watch your career with great interest, young Skywalker...
(fucking star wars geeks,everywhere!)
hey dec,you do the artwork for that tim skinner t-shirt idea of andys,the 'fist of grudge'-reminds me of a porn we watched the other night-and i will get the shirts printed.
i work for a t-shirt printers,so no cost will be incurred.
call it a gift.
Hey well done, I was nominated in that section too, so we are competing..haha. I was pretty bored by most of the other entrants into that catagory though...so good luck
What???? WHAT???!!!!!!!
Bollocks to this! I'm gonna make up my own awards as well--The St Helens Blog Awards. I'll be up against the pasty eating teenage mum, and the granny salsa teachers...
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