Greetings All. No posts for the last week cuz Declan has been rather busy. Last saturday was the launch for my own self-published book; YOUR ROUND: TEQUILA. It arrived in Aberdeen on the Thursday, two days before the signing. YOUR ROUND is an anthology book based on drinking stories. It features stories by myself, Bob Byrne, James Hodgkins and Mike McLean. Jaysus, i must have gone on about this a rake of times already, you should all know bout this by now.

Bob Byrne, my on-off boyfriend came over to share the signing duties, bless him. We signed and sketched from 10 AM till 6PM. We were fairly knackered at this stage, and we were more than happy to stop. Unfortunately, we couldn't. We had a launch party to go to an hour later which included even more signing and sketching. Sigh. We finished up around 11PM!!! Christ, we were knackered. Still, i had a blast with the Bobster.
Oh yes, here's a 'Zombie Gambit' sketch i did for a girl at the signing.

My favourite bit was when i was sketching something for a fan and someone asked Bob if he was doing requets for sketches. He flatly responded 'No. Here, have this one.' And gave the guy a drawing he'd done 5 minutes beforehand. i reckon he was scared of someone askin for a Spider-man. In fact, i'm sure someone asked him for a superhero sketch, but sent 'em straight onto me. No bull, i must have done over 50 sketches that day. Another fun bit was a sketch request Bob made. To draw a Teenage Mutant Hero Turtle. I'd say i hadn't drawn one in 10 years, and knocked one one out, lookin the same as i drew them back when i was a kid. But, the absolute highlight was a competition between me and Bob as to who could draw the best 'Zombie Care bear.' I lost, obviously, but it was a close race. Bob took a photo, i'll post it once he sends it to me.

Bob doing sketches at the launch.

Me and Bob, signing our lives away.......

Me, sketching with come issues of a great comic in front of him.
This weekend, tomorrow in fact, i've another signing. Robert Curley is coming over here to Aberdeen to do a Freak Show signing. So it'll be another weekend of sketching. etc for me.
Some people have weekends off........
Alright man. John Cavanagh here from back in the days of Rice College, Junior Cert Art and yore. Ah... memories. Awards and signings I see, and hearty congratulations to thee.
An unemployed filmmaker and blogger be I at this stage. Huzzah!
Jeesus. Are you still trying to flog that batman pic!!!
good to see the irish larging it overseas. Nice to see you made the effort with the tie an all, not like that talented scruff that was with with ya
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