Thursday, November 06, 2008


Here's the 3rd page of Sweeney Todd. I don't mind showing these pages as they're a good set of intro pages, without giving any of the story away. I think that's all the Todd i'll be showing for a while.

In other news, i'm doing a signing in my home town this Saturday from 3pm, in the Ennis Book Shop. Really looking forward to it. It'll be nice to show folks from home i've done something with my life, or, alternatively prove that i actually haven't. I'll be discussing the book tomorrow morning sometime between 10 and 11am on Clare FM (95.9 & 96.6 FM if you live in the Banner County). You can listen online off their website.



Anonymous said...

You already know how much I love that dog(no,not in that way...)and all the other Todds you had at the shop
And I hope your jacket`s ok,Dec.
But I had to laugh when I thought of the irony of the writer of Freakshow buying me a lucozade that only an hour later spilled on the artist of Freakshow`s jacket!

Kevin Mc Namara said...

Hey man seriously great work, I really really like this! and yes the dog is kick ass! i saw a huskey today...amazing i want to draw one, i think i just might!

Unknown said...

Very nice indeed. By the way, Dec, I can dig out those reference photos when I get back from the States. Over there until Friday evening...