Seeing as myself and Andy showed preview pages at the Dublin Con, i thought i'd show a couple of them here.
The following is 2 pages where Tim has landed in a very familiar part of the Comicverse ......if you're a 2000AD reader....

I packed the first page with as many gags and references as i possibly could. Hell, i've had work published in the Judge Dredd Megazine but i'll probably never get a go at actual 2000AD characters, so these few pages are probably the closest i'll ever get.
2 Excellent pages Dec, some of your best I reckon. Really like the colours too. I'd say Tim Skinner's probably your finest work to date.
Good gags too!
Probably my favourite sequence, visually speaking, in Tim Skinner, especially the colouring. Plus Tim Skinner is probably my favourite Dec comic thus far.
Ah thanks lads. Two glowing recommendations from my peers, that's a good start as any! I am really pleased with it, so i'm glad y'all like 'em.
I think the colourist did a great job.
My favourite scene involved the zombie robots. My mate bought the book just for the panel with the Bendis and Morrison fighting in a sack line.
Lots of good gags. Sequel please! lol
These are brilliant. Especially the first one. Really well done.
this was one of my favourite sequences in the book, and its a great book over all, yourself and andy have proven yourself a good team,well done
Ah thanks a lot lads.
Dave; yeah, that Morrisson/Bendis line is a great one. One of the many reasons i wanted to draw the book. The zombie robots were a LOT of fun to draw.
Thanks Salvo; appreciate it. I worked pretty hard on that first page in particular. Thanks for the comment.
Thanks a lot Kev, that's awful nice o' you to say.
Oh, and Dave .....I might consider using that colourist again in future....
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