Friday, November 14, 2008


I forgot to mention that when i got to the signing back in Ennis, there were copies of the new Irish-language comic that i did a page for ages ago called Rí-Rá

Cover to Rí-Rá by Aidan Courtney

The comic in question is a free #0 sample and it turned out great. Aidan Courtney, the editor, has compiled the comic in an effort to establish an ongoing anthology Irish language comic much in the same vein as European comics in France, Belgium, etc. The sample has work from top European cartoonist Dab, along with Irish creators like Bob Byrne, Alan Nolan, Ian Whealan and myself.

"Níl," the one-page strip i did for Rí-Rá.

Special mention must go to fello Ennis creators, writer Mike Lynch and artist John Cullen who also contributed a story. Here's a little known fact; i used to deliver gas and briquettes to Mike in my days as a coalman and i used to be in art class with John back in my days in the CBS (Christian Brothers School)....... good times....

Rí-Rá will be available at the Dublin City Comic Con in just over a weeks time. Be sure to pick up a copy.



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

looks great but i REALLY can't understand a single world, i guess that hask for a translation is too much...
see you soon

Anonymous said...

Really great to see someone taking the plunge in trying to make the European model the norm here.
Also great to see they came out all guns blazing with the likes of Bob and yourself having stuff in it.
Anyway,I`ll pick one up at the Dublin thing after I throw some some rocks at you...

Kevin Mc Namara said...

looking forward to the con? its gunna be a good one and only around the corner from me, should be fun! nice work btw as usual!

Declan Shalvey said...

Hey guys,

Luke, rocks are free. So id that comic. Throw the comic at me; it'll hurt less.

Hey Kev, yeah really looking forward to the con. You live just around the corner from the con? HEY EVERYBODY: HOUSE PARTY AT KEV'S PLACE!!!


Anonymous said...

Cheers Dec for showing it on your blog. If anyone wants a copy, forgot to mention this to Dec and they can't make it to the Con, I can post them a copy free no bother. So if you are at all curious to see what we've put together you can email me at with your name and address and I will pop one or two in the post for you. Glad you like the idea. It's about the only way we can get a little regular comic going on this island fingers crossed it will be out six times a year with 50 pages an issue. This eight page sample is just to show people we can do it.

Kevin Mc Namara said...

oh yeah def, sure ya forgot to mention i'll have smoke machines, strope lighting...oh yes its strope! and several Twi'lek will be dancing on poles! copious ammounts of cocktail sausages

Lisa said...

Wow, that was great, it was in irish and I understood it. Not only that I could also relate to it.

Anonymous said...

em, what's that scribbled into the desk? :)

cool strip though