Saturday, December 06, 2008


Been looking up a lot of old Bill Sienkiewicz and Tommy Lee Edwards Moon Knight issues in the last day or so. Got inspired, so i did a sketch and coloured it up.

And the original drawing from my sketchbook...



jamie said...

i remember as a young and niave young twat being shown copies of sienkeiwicz run on moon knight,especially the really experimental issues he did.
i was totally blown away.
thank you philip sands.

nice artwork,dec.

Will Sliney said...

Mail me the art on that will ya I wanna colour it too

Declan Shalvey said...

Yeah? Sure, you got it.

Jamie; can't say i've been a big Sienkeiwicz fan (just never had any exposure to his work) but i'm digging it now.


Anonymous said...

to be honest I prefer the black and white one.
the colours are great and all(and I can`t wait to see what Will does with it)but the black and white one has a really fantastic atmosphere.

Declan Shalvey said...

Actually, i prefer the black and white version myself. Maybe i shouldn't have bothered colouring it up; it was fine as it was really.


David Ferguson said...

I like the black and white Moon Knight. They should probably do his series in black and white. Colours in that series tend to make his costume look wrong. You really good at those street level guys, Dec.

Craig Zablo said...

Very nice!

Declan Shalvey said...

Thanks guys! Glad you think i do a good job at street level characters David, as they're the ones i like to draw!


Stephen Mooney said...

I kinda prefer the coloured version but they're both aces