Thursday, April 23, 2009


Went to another life drawing class this week that went really well. The last few times i was happy with about 30% of the drawings, yet was happy i'd learned a few more things. This time i still learned quite a bit, but i was actually happy with 80% of what i drew. Here's one of the drawings i think turned out pretty well. I'm sure i'll post more down the line.



Stephen Mooney said...

Man, this is great. Lovely weight to it, she's really sitting on it.

Michael Grant Clark said...

I'm not saying nothing about that comment. I do like the figure drawing though.

When I was at uni we were asked to try figure drawing upside down with our wrong hand. Not sure what that proved but we did get to see girls in the nip..

Kevin Mc Namara said...

nice work dec! i just got several life drawing pieces selected for an exhibition next week

Philtre said...

Really, really nice Declan - love the line quality here - loose and confident.

Anonymous said...

at first I thought she had one leg
and a giant...y`know.

all your looser stuff is deadly,Dec.You should do a full comic story in this`d be bitchin!

Declan Shalvey said...

Thanks lads.

This was tough, as i didn't rough it out in pencil or anything first; i just got the dip-pen and went straight at it. The down-side is that you can easily mess it up completely. On the plus-side, it forces you to be braver about your line. There was some nice shadow on the figure too so i went back in with some grey-wash. Was afraid i'd mess it up but it actually improved it. Glad ye all like.

Thanks for the comment Phil!

Luke; i'd really like to do a comic in this style actually. Someday...

Ciaran Lucas said...

looking good. Great weight to her.

David Ferguson said...

This one reminds me of Quentin Blake's work. Nice variation in style. You could throw it into a comic for different scenes or a dream sequences. Kinda the way David Mack does.

Lisa said...

That's fantastic Dec! I particularly like the way her belly is drawn, but it's all good.

Declan Shalvey said...

Thanks guys.

David, yeah, i've been thinking of doing something like that. Have something in mind, actually.

Thanks lisa.... wished you'd been at the class ...>sob<