Well, it's finally here, this week is the big Dublin Con. Went last year and had a blast. It's strange to think that in only a year i've made some great friends from that one weekend.

This year's con is a huge step up on last year's one, with the headline guest being Jim Lee, the biggest star ever to come out of comics. Probably the most popular artist the medium has ever produced. While my tastes veer to more indie styles these days, this is the man that made me want to draw comics. I remember picking up a reprint of X-Men issue 1 when i was 12 and i was hooked! Damn you Jim Lee!
Carlos Pacheco had a big effect on me too. He got me out of my Jim Lee/Andy Kubert phase and opened me up to a more dynamic style, that showed how much you could push your knowledge of anatomy.
Liam Sharp drew the first American comicbook i ever bought. Nuff said
I was practically raised on Hitman, created by John McCrea, 'Nuff said there also.
There's an incredible group of talent with more recent artists who've make a name for themselves such as Adi Granov, Ben Oliver, Steve McNiven, Dougie Braithwaite and Jock.
Let's not forget the writers.
Mark Millar is arguably the biggest writer in comics right now, and Paul Cornell is not only becoming well known for being a writer, but for being a very good writer.
But last, and certainly not least are the 'New Kids On The Block,' the Irish talent. Great guys one and all. I speak of course of Stephen Mooney, Stephen Thompson and Nick Roche. All these guys are at the top of their game, working on high-profile books in the States(Angel, Star Trek and Doctor Who, respectively). I'm insanely jealous of them all.
Of course, i'll be there, flogging my wares along with the ever-handsome Will Sliney. He'll have copies of Atomic Rocket Group 66, i'll have Freak Show, Your Round and some Hero Killers too. I'll also have a folder of some Frankenstein work, just to tease you all. I've also been asked to appear on a panel aboul Irish Comics on Sunday at 11AM, so be sure to come to that and heckle me.
So, if you don't make this con, you are officially a leper. There's never been a con with this many high profile guests in Ireland before. I just wish it was saturday right now.
For more details about guests, the venue and panels, check out the Dublin Comic Con Website or MySpace page.
See you Saturday!
Frank Miller was the guy who made me want to read comics, Jim Lee was the guy who made me want to draw them. So I'll definatly be there.
my uncle fred made me want to draw comics.
My Uncle Ted made me draw comics. Eventually he got the jail for it. 'Course by then I was depending on it for emotional and financial sustenance and it was too late.
Damn you Uncle Ted!
Dec's seen a million faces... and he's rocked them all
It's true. There ain't no doctor that can, Cure my disease.
You could say i've been afflicted by bad medicine.
Dave, i like the phrase 'he got the jail.' I'm gonna use that.
Hey Dec,
Thanks for the DD sketch you did for me at the con.
Its really great.
No problem man, 'twas my pleasure.
Glad you liked it!
Hey saw your name on the chesterquest call back! well done man, keep us posted there, i missed the whole con basicaly, i was there all of an hour, then i also had to leave earlier than planned! ah well, it looked like a great con! anyway well done man!
S'me again, vincent crothers.I jsut thot id say thanks for the sketch delcan. You really draw very well and you hold ur the pensil really well and youer sketch was drawn for me really very well. And cnnot wait for next years dublin con 2007 so delcan can draw me a very nice picture really well with his pensil.
Hey guys, thanks a lot.
Vincent i can't remember which sketch i did for you, but i'm very happy that you're pleased with it.
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