Well, what can i say? I, as usual at Brum had an absolutely brilliant time. The highlight absolutely being seeing copies of FRANKENSTEIN in print.

Both the Original and Quick text versions of FRANKENSTEIN
Not only was Frankenstein out for Birmingham, but so was A Christmas Carol with wonderful artwork by Mike Collins, and Jane Eyre with amazing painted artwork by John M Burns. I'm pleased to say that Frankenstein sold a little more than the other titles at Birmingham, so i hope that means it holds up a little to the other two fantastic books.

Thanks to Mick for scanning this Frankenstein sketch i did for him at Birmingham.
Birmingham is always great as i get to meet up with old mates, like David Baillie. I finally managed to get a copy of his brilliant Tongue Of The Dead hardcover collection. I also picked up some great books from Andi Watson, and Sean Phillips' Blow Up hardcover sketchbook.

Thanks to Wade for the Daredevil scan.
Strangely enough, i didn't do that many sketches at Brum, not like i'm used to. Then again, i arrived late on Saturday due to the debauchery that occurred on the Friday night launch party. Still, i did some nice sketches, posted here by those who were kind enough to scan and e-mail them. It was great to catch up with mates, and have some decent conversations too, rather than the meet-and-greet that happens at a lot of cons. Seeing Leah Moore, John Reppion, Rufus Dayglo, Si Spurrier, Frazer Irving, Lee O' Connor and the like was, as always, a great pleasure.

Thanks to Dave and Dan for the scan of this Joker sketch.
I'm also delighted that i managed to grab Andy Winter for dinner and talk all things Hero Killers and more importantly, Tim Skinner. Andy told me that he has nearly sold all existing copies of Hero Killers, and has no plans to reprint it. Rob Curley was also at the show. He told me he sold all of the copies of the new Freak Show that he brought.

Thanks to Luke for the Director sketch.
The unfortunate thing about doing a 'con report' is that i forget to mention half the people i talked to/ spent time with. Safe to say i had a great time, and an absolute highlight of my career so far was sitting at the Classical Comics table with all the team, including Kat Nicholson, Jason Cardy and Jason Cobley, signing many, many copies of a project we've all spent a hell of a lot of time on. I've looked at both text versions of the book, and they both turned out great. I was originally fearful that the more text-heavy version would be clunky as regards storytelling, but it reads really well. I'm delighted that certain story beats and pauses translated just the way i wanted them too. Without sounding full of myself, i think the finished Frankenstein book turned out great. I hope ye all check it out.
Huge thanks to James Hodgkins, Shane Chebsey and Andy Baker for organising such a brilliant show. Yet again.
Right, that's enough ranting. Back to work.
yep the book looks great, it has it's own look and its printed up really well and flows along really well too.
sorry i didn't go for a beer with you at bics dec bloomin leg and feet trouble again that weekend.
good luck with sweeney todd and with all your other projects
best jon
I'm personally glad I didn't get to drinking with you, as I'm too old and would embarrass myself by not keeping up. That said, it was a real pleasure sharing table space with you, ye wee youngster, you. The book did turn out great, didn't it?
You can all be very proud of your work on Frankenstein - it's a truly lovely book.
Thanks a lot guys, really appreciate it, especially from all you guys i've worked with.
Really like the Daredevil sketch. Looks like Matt Murdock is one of his many sombre moments. Adds to my list of reasons to have a Daredevil commission to rival my Batman one!
Maybe when I weedle down the villains to less than a dozen or so!
Must pick up Frankenstein. Freakshow was great. Really like your version of the Director (don't slap me Stephen or the other Stephen).
hello declan,
congratulations seems that frankenstein're having a great success! I'm happy for you, will soon receive my copy and I will do you know ... in fact I bought both versions i'm too much curious ...
I wish you the best
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