The king of all Declan-gossip, Will Sliney, had a signing over here in Aberdeen during the weekend, and it was an absolute pleasure to see him. From what i saw he did some kick-ass sketches. At one stage, it was suggested he do a Punisher piece. I jokingly suggested that i could do a better piece than he, so of course, it became a competition between us. As does everything. Above's the fruit of my labour, check Will's blog to see his.
Who wins? YOU decide!
I decided to do something a bit different and went with a bit more of a biker approach to the Punisher
.....whereas Will decided to rip off Tim Bradstreet's approach. ZING!!!
It's Frank Castle gone Mad Max. Nice.
I don't know who wins but I know someone who'd want both!
You two always seem to do your best work when competing against each other.
How's work on Frankenstein going?
Nice and moody, I like it. Is it me, or is more and more Sean Philips creeping into your stuff?
Hey Rich, Frankie's goin' well, nearly at the 100 page mark.
Moondog, i dunno, not intentionally with the Phillips, tho i do love his work. I went loose with this piece, having more 'grey'. I think having stuff solid black and solid while makes my pages look stiff, so i'm trying to loosen up a bit with the inking.
While we're on the subject of Punisher, Declan, who do you think should follow Garth Ennis?
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