Had a brilliant time at the Bristol convention last weekend. It was great to catch up with my collegues at Classical and meet friends old and new. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and congratulated me on finishing the Frankenstein book and took an interest in the sample pages provided. I din't win ANOTHER Eagle. It went to David Aja, which is only right. Still, i've become power hungry since last year and need Eagle after Eagle to quensh my insatiable thirst. Hard luck to the Sancho lads and Bob Byrne too. Not a great awards night for the irish contingent, but a lot of fun anyway.
Still on my sabbattical back home in Co. Clare, but thought i'd post reminding folk of next month's 2D Festival. The folks running the festival were kind enough to inviote me this year and from what i heard of last year's festival, it looks to be a cracking weekend. Really looking forward to it. The festival's website has recently been updated, so go check it out. Tell 'em 'Duncan Shalev' sent ya......
I showed a friend three photos of you from Bristol and she doesn't think any of them look like the same person so I'm starting think maybe they are different people. Maybe theres a Declan Shalvey, a Duncan Shalvey and a Duncan Chavez running around.
Hey, at least they spelled your name correctly on the 2D poster... cool Jock image there
I was called "Jason Winters" in a Bristol convention report last week. I rather like it actually; makes me sound like I should be starring in my own '70s TV show as a private eye...
shame about the eagle award, ah well at least you got nominated
can't live every week like it's shark week
Cliodhna, I think i'm one person, but the other 2 guys disagree.
Moondog, yeah, yer right, more than i can say for Bob tho. The Jock image is deadly too.
Andy, we should credit Tim Skinner to Jason Winter and Duncan Shalev.
True John, but i can live every day like i'm living on MILF Island.
You're just waiting for that call from Don Geis then you'll be in erection cove.
Yeah hard luck Dec. They spelt my name wrong on the 2d thing. We're cursed man.
Cursed with good looks? It's good looks .........right Byrane?
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