Thursday, June 05, 2008


Off to the 2D Festival in Derry for the weekend. Really looking forward to it. Not only has it great talents such as Charlie Adlard (Walking Dead) and Jock (Losers, Green Arrow; Year One) but Tank Girl creator Alan C. Martin will be there with the book's current artist and Northern Ireland's finest, Rufus Dayglo.

The events organiser, David Campbell has invited a rake of us Irish folk up to bring a bit more emphasis on the amount of Irish talent there is these days, which is brilliant. I've only ever been to the North once before, to meet PJ Holden, in fact, back in the summer of 2000-and-diggity-3, so another trip up is well overdue.

I'm gonna be part of the small press panel (always remember your roots kids) on Saturday around 7pm so if you're nearby, do come and check out the show. And by me a Bulmers ....or Magners, since we'll be in the North.



Anonymous said...

see you up in derry!

Rich said...

Enjoy man

Leo said...

hey, hope you had a cracking time, sir!