See what i did there? I'm a genius.
Anyway, last weekend was the 2D Festival, and it's safe to say i had a great time. First and foremost, i'd like to thank the organiser David Campbell for inviting me up and his partner in crime Ciaran Flannagan (and co) for lookin' after me, makin' sure i was fed (since i'm such a picky eater), etc. Thanks to Ciaran for some of these photos too.

A Stormtrooper and Leia with the bad-ass 2D Festival poster. Meant to rob me one of those but forgot.
Both myself and Transformers aficionado Nick Roche got a lift to Derry from Dublin by the ever generous Stephen Mooney and his soon-to-be-bride Jacintha O' Reilly, the only 'Skwah' of the con. It was quite the road-trip. Full of 80s nostalgia , geek-talk and Declan-bashing. We made it up to Derry in time for dinner, which was great. I must say, Derry was a beautiful city. Growing up in County Clare, The North was a different world to me and to meet folk up there was an eye-opening and brilliant experience. The city had a tremendous atmosphere that was steeped in history and i loved it. I'd go back in heartbeat.

Me post a tasty chicken sandwich, doin' some drawing.

Bob Byrne hard at work for once. Good old Luke F at the table and all ......good times.

Charlie Adlard hard at work, Simon Furman also busy, Nick Roche confused and Stephen Mooney pointing at the place he last saw his self respect.
Did some pretty decent sketches i must say. Was kept busy all day. As best i can remember, i did a USS Defiant, a Borg, a nameless girl superhero, a Riddler, a Catwoman, 3 Jokers, a Frankenstein monster, Sin City's Marv, Hellboy and about 15 Batmans! I've only got record of two of 'em. Here they are....

After a hard days work, we were treated to some dinner, then it was off to so the small press/indie panel with a whole host of folk, including Bob Byrne, Smallzone publisher Shane Chebsey and 20,000 League's Alan Nolan. Always a pleasure to see that man. A rare treat to see his hairy chest on the dancefloor, too ...apparently. The panel was good fun, offering me yet another platform to start my career in stand-up comedy, or at least mention the Eagle Award again.

A fun night was soon had by all, including many a shape being pulled on the dancefloor. You know who you are. Including me.
Thanks to everyone who came up and got a sketch, or bought a copy of Tequila, or asked about Frankenstein. Hopefully, i'll see ye next year!
Sounds like you had a good time.
Great sketchs, love the look of the Batman. It's very hard to come up with a new style to draw batman in and I think you nailed it with this sketch. Nice one.
No Declan shalvey day is complete without a plain chicken sandwich
Looks like you had a great time and the festival itelf looked like a lot of fun.
By the way, it turns out Septic Isle is being picked up by Diamond after all - it's in August's Previews!
Great report Dec - never did find that self-respect...
deadly!but if you`re looking for another one of your sketches,I`ll be happy to scan in the one you did for me and send it to you.
cheers for the link to the blog by the way!
Thanks guys,
Rich, i don't think i really did anything 'new' with Batman, just found a more comfortable way of drawing him.
Will, you're damn right. It's gotta be plain.
Andy, that's great news, congrats!
Moondog; keep lookin'.
Luke, no worries for the link. Yeah, send me on the sketch, i wouldn't mind having another look at it.
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