This is a panel from a one page strip i'm doing for a small Irish-language anthology. I'll put up the finished page once it's all done. It's about being in Irish class and the above panel is of the teacher. I tried to amalgamate lots of different teaches together in order to come up with his look, but he instead ended up looking like the Scatman!
An Irish language anthology?It`s great to see the language used in such a practical way.
Do you speak a bit yourself,a Dheaclán?
When will this be on the shelves and which shops will it be in?
I'm afraid i'm not the brains behind this operation Luke, so no info on either yet, but i'll be sure to say when i know.
sound stuff.be sure to keep us posted...
In medicine and biology, scatology is the study of feces.
Scatological studies allow one to determine a wide range of biological information about a creature, including its diet (and thus where it has been), healthiness, and diseases!
Cheers on your comment dec much appreciated! and helpful thanks man, ill try sort them out with some Photoshop magic!
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