Here's another sketch i did last week. I'd never drawn Madman before. Not bad for a first try, i suppose.
Also, Ruth Crean, an old friend of mine from my Art College days just posted an interview we did on her blog. Check it out, there's a page from Frankenstein on it that i haven't posted anywhere else. When you're done reading that, make sure to look through Ruth's great online clothes shop. If only she made clothes for hunky guys like me....
That's right, you heard me. I said 'hunky'.
that's the most funny comment you've ever posted...be sure i will read the interview and check that blog....
the reason that's there is no clothes for hunky guys like you is that you don't NEED it!!you are hunky!!(sorry that funny side of you really makes me laugh!!! even if i have no doubth you are hunky!)
ps i really nice first try as usual..
i save that page on my favourites sites, really nice stuff but moreover, amazing interview....really usefull
thanks for spreading your knowledge!
best wishes
erika again (that's the last one, i swear!)
They could name that line of clothes 'Hunky Dorky'.
Ah that lovely Madman sketch.
Again thanks a million for that and it was great to see you at the 24 hour yoke.
How was Octocon?
Hey good news I will be making some hunky dorky clothes soon,hopefully I will have them stocked by christmas. The limerick leader will be printing an interview with me on Thursday if you want to read it, and point and laugh at me.
I love the sketch. I'm not all that familiar with Madman though...guess I should do some research..
No worries Luke, glad you like it. That'd be a tenner.... just kiddin.'
Erika, thanks a lot. I should probably mention, i am NOT hunky. I was being ironic. Or sarcastic, i really can't tell any more.
Ruth, i WOULD like to read it. Pointing and laughing are two of my favourite things! Doubt that'll go online, will it? Dunno where i'd get a copy in Dublin.
Hey Charles, thanks for posting. I'm not too familiar with Madman myself, though i really like Mike Allred (Madman creator)'s work.
Thanks Declan,I've had lots of traffic to my blog today from your site. I'd say it might be online, or I'll put a transcrpit of it on my blog.Also I'll be in the november Limerick event guide,which will be online...not such a goofy pic in that.
You have? How can you tell what traffic you've had? That's class about the Limerick event guide, i'll be sure to pick one up, even though i won't be able to point and laugh that time. Congrats on that, i remember i was onto one of the LEG crowd a year or so ago bout doing something but nothing ever came of it. Kudos to you, madam.
Mayhaps I`ve pulled you into the world of Madman?
Perhaps you have.....
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